Adventure Weekend Registration *REGISTRATION EXTENDED Scouts BSA Training and Merit Badge Signup * NEW MERIT BADGES ADDED Breakfast and Dinner Reservations prepared by the Cahuilla Lodge Order of the Arrow BREAKFAST AND DINNER RESERVATIONS CLOSE WEDNESDAY 9/21/2022   WHO: Any Scout in the CIEC WHAT: Recruit a Friend to Join Scouts WHERE: A Unit in the California Inland Empire Council (CIEC) WHEN: Registration processed between Aug 15 – Oct 15, 2022 HOW: Use the Scouting Force cards to Coach Scouts and families how to invite friends to visit & join Scouting HOW: When New Scout submits application, a leader or Adult partner fills out the Submission form (Link Below). Both the New Scout and the Scout who recruited them will be entered into the drawing. HOW: When Council leaders will hold the prize drawing and post it to Facebook at 4:00 PM on Thursday, October 20, 2022. The Winners will also be directly contacted. WHY: To Join the FUN of Scouting and to win a Fabulous Prize! TWO Grand Prizes will be awarded: One lucky winner will take home the Lego Yoda Set 75255 Another lucky winner will take home the Lego The Child Set 75318 MORE QUESTIONS? Contact the CIEC Membership Team: MembershipCIEC@gmail.com Drawing Submission Form:https://forms.gle/bBHpfhWvVyiP1ruP7 WEBELOS WOODS .jpg) Eerie Emerson Registration  NRA Rifle Instructor Course Registration .jpg) National Jamboree Check out the Jamboree booth this Saturday September 24th at Adventure Weekend Meet some of the Jamboree Leaders and get all your questions answered |