Daniel White is a member of Boy Scout Troop 5679 in the High Desert and has been since the age of 11. He is 14 years old, in 9th grade taking honor classes. Daniel started his scouting journey 8 years ago, starting as a Tiger Cub. Daniel obtained his Life Rank in scouting last March and has been working on the highest rank available - Eagle Scout. When deciding what project Daniel wanted to work on, he instantly knew that he wanted to do something in the realm of helping cancer patients newly diagnosed and/or in treatment in honor of his mother who battled breast cancer. He contacted Today's Woman Foundation, and after talking with the Foundation Executive, Cindy, a plan was formatted and Daniel was on his way to getting his project approved and started. The plan became a two-part project, both working simultaneously together with the Today's Woman Foundation. The first: 105 “Bundles of Hope" boxes (surpassing his original goal of 75 boxes) for newly diagnosed cancer patients filled with a personalized hand-made card and many hopeful and encouraging items. Daniel and his Troop filled and assembled all boxes and Daniel spent several days delivering boxes to cancer organizations as well as individuals that are in treatment. This part of his project will be ongoing indefinitely with the Foundation. The second: 20 "Empowerment through Self-Sufficiency" boxes for domestic violence survivors as well as those escaping addiction, taking an eight-week empowerment class program. These boxes included much needed items to be successful during their eight-week program. Daniel was able to personally present these boxes to the participants at their first class as well as attended their final class upon graduation. Daniel completed his Eagle Project with the Today’s Woman Foundation on August 28, 2022 and is very appreciative of all those that offered support and guidance through his journey. Daniel successfully completed his Eagle Board of Review on September 27, 2022. Because of all his hard work with the Today’s Woman Foundation, Daniel was honored on October 1, 2022 at their annual Black Dress Gala event receiving the prestigious ‘President’s Award.’ We are so proud of Daniel White and look forward to celebrating him at his Eagle Court of Honor scheduled for February 4, 2023 (due to the holidays). |
50th Anniversary CSP Design Contest The California Inland Empire Council will be celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2023! Key parts of that celebration will be a special new council shoulder patch and a theme for the anniversary year- and one of YOU is going to create them. The contest starts NOW, closes November 13, 2022 and is open to anyone - youth or adult. You can enter one or both of the contests. Come up with a catchy theme or a CSP design, or both. The winners will be recognized throughout the year and will receive some special 50th anniversary swag to go along with bragging rights. The winners will also be a special guest at the Council recognition dinner in February where we intend to unveil the winning entries. Scouts are creative and resourceful. Let's see what you've got. Breaking News: Use the Scouting Force Incentive is being extended until Monday, October 31, 2022! NEW SCOUTS must have their applications submitted by October 31. Adults have until Monday, November 7 to enter Recruiters and New Scouts in the Incentive Drawing: https://forms.gle/8gphwLGuvftbLc6JA ANY SCOUT who recruited a friend between August 15 and October 31, 2022 may be entered in the drawing AND the NEW SCOUT they recruited! If your Scout recruited a friend and you do not know for sure if it was in that window? Go ahead and enter them into the drawing! Our membership team will verify all entries, so go ahead and enter them - we'll figure it out! For a handy dandy tool to help Scouts invite friends to join Scouts, and for more information about the incentive, CLICK HERE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17LqbcfjP41fsPKmS_pfTNoz6A-2rB4mL/view?usp=sharing Have questions: Email MembershipCIEC@gmail.com Heavy Metal Weekend Registration 2023 Jamboree Update | To: All Parents Currently Registered for the CIEC 2023 National Jamboree Contingent All Parents Interested in Joining the CIEC 2023 National Jamboree Contingent Any Concerned and Interested Leaders with Potential National Jamboree Attendees From: CIEC 2023 National Jamboree Committee Co-Chairs, Scoutmaster Ken Foutz & Council Commissioner John Vineyard Dear Parents & Adult Participants, Due to unforeseen circumstances with regard to the associated costs for the National Jamboree and related travel, unfortunately, the total cost of sending our youth to this once in a lifetime opportunity must be increased. Effective immediately, we will be charging $2,750 for all attendees who have signed up and joined our contingent before October 31st, 2022. The cost for any attendee joining our contingent after October 31st, 2022 will be $3,150. If you are no longer able to send your child(ren) or you unable to attend yourself, due to the price increase, please contact our council office immediately. Refund requests are available by contacting the council office before the close of business on October 28th, 2022. If we do not hear from you by that time, then we will be required to keep your reservation along with any payments that have been submitted toward your reservation. The cost for our contingent to attend the National Jamboree is still the lowest in Southern California. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience that this may cause you. We could not predict this scenario when we originally set the cost of this event, which was published online in the late months of 2021. Rising costs of fuel, food, and supply issues have not leveled back to those rates. We also could not predict that the National Jamboree would require each council to purchase its own tents for the event. Payment installments can be adjusted to fit each family’s need, but the total amount must be paid in full by May 1st, 2023. We have extended the paid in full requirement by one month due to this change. If you do not let us know that this price adjustment is an issue for your family then your reservation & fees will stay intact at the new cost. We will do our best to reach out to all of our registered attendees by phone, but we invite you to let us know your intent as soon as possible. Yours in Scouting, Ken Foutz John Vineyard CIEC Jamboree Co-Chair CIEC Jamboree Co-Chair Please visit our new location: Service Center & Scout Shop 2351 W Lugonia Ave Ste F Redlands, CA 92374 (909) 793-2463 www.ciecbsa.org | | SILVER BEAVER Silver Beaver Application It is once again time to nominate those selfless volunteers in our great Council that have made a significant impact in our service to youth! The Silver Beaver Award was introduced in 1931 and is a Council level distinguished service award of the Boy Scouts of America. Recipients of this award are registered Scouters who have given service to youth at the Council level, not in a unit or the district. Please make sure to fill out the form completely, do research on your nominee and fill in all the blanks. Remember to forward to your District Chair for review and signature. Applications that are not approved by District Chairs will not be accepted. This nomination form must be sent to the CIEC office by November 28th, 2022. Late forms will not be accepted for evaluation. Do not attach any additional statements or letters of recommendation to this form. Forms can be submitted electronically to beverly.gruendner@scouting.org Board Nominations The 2023 Nominating Committee Chair is Matt Flanagan Any recommendations for prospective Executive Board Members should be forwarded to: California Inland Empire Council- Nominating Committee Attn: Nominating Committee, Beverly Gruendner 2351 W. Lugonia Ave, Suite F Redlands, CA 92374 Or Email: beverly.gruendner@scouting.org Suggested nominees from registered local council Scouters are considered if they are received in writing no less than 30 days prior to the Annual Business Meeting-December 19, 2022. Those who offer names to the nominating committee should supply some background information but should not have secured the permission of the person to be nominated and to serve if elected. The Annual Meeting will be on Thursday, January 19, 2023, at 6:00pm. Check out the 2023 CIEC Program Guide |
SAFETY MOMENT - WINTER ACTIVITY SAFETY SUMMARY There is magic to camping in winter. It is one of the most challenging outdoor adventures. However, potentially extreme weather conditions, cold temperatures, and unique hazards associated with outdoor winter activities require careful planning to ensure safety. GENERAL INFORMATION Eating the right type of food when camping or playing in the cold is important. One of the best ways to remember what is appropriate to eat when you are spending extended periods of time outside in cold weather is to use good nutrition to build the fire within. Make sure your food consumption includes sugars, which act like a fire starter; carbohydrates and proteins, which act as kindling; and fats that produce the energy needed to keep the fire burning and your body running at peak performance. Stay away from caffeinated drinks such as soda, coffee, and tea; drink plenty of plain water to keep yourself properly hydrated. Keeping warm is the most important part of cold-weather camping and outdoor activities. Use the “C-O-L-D” method to stay warm. C=Clean: Since insulation is only effective when heat is trapped by dead air spaces, keep your insulating layers clean and fluffy. Dirt, grime, and perspiration can mat down those air spaces and reduce the warmth of a garment. O=Overheating: Avoid overheating by adjusting the layers of your clothing to meet the outside temperature and the exertions of your activities. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, and refrain from drinking caffeinated drinks that act as diuretics. L=Loose layers: A steady flow of warm blood is essential to keeping all parts of your body heated. Wear several loosely fitting layers of clothing and footgear that will allow maximum insulation without impeding your circulation. Having clothing that is brightly colored (orange or red) is also a good idea, so hunters and sportsmen can see you in snowy conditions. Always have a hat and wear it. D=Dry: Sweaty, damp clothing and skin can cause your body to cool quickly, possibly leading to frostnip and hypothermia. Keep dry by avoiding clothes that absorb moisture. Always brush away snow on your clothes before you enter a heated area. Keep clothing around your neck loosened so that body heat and moisture can escape instead of soaking through your layers. |