Requirements 1,2,3,4,5a will be covered in this Merit Badge class
All materials to make a large knife pouch, a leather neckerchief, and a lanyard will be mailed to the Scouts as well as a Leatherworking Merit Badge Book

Leatherworking Kit and Leather stamp
The class will be in 2 parts
Session 1 Monday September 14th 3:30pm to 4:30pm Scouts will cover the requirements a demonstration on basket making will be done by the merit badge counselor
Session 2 Monday September 21st 3:30pm to 4:30pm Scouts will display their finshed work to the merit badge counselor
Blue cards will be immediately mailed out to all Scouts displaying there completed leather projects
Limited to the first 50 registrants there will be a waitlist for additional registrants
All participants will be held to a high standard. Participation is required, registration alone does not guarantee completion of the merit badge. For some merit badges some requirements will not be able to be completed online. Please pay attention to the requirements you can expect to be covered in this merit badge class. Upon completion of the online session, the Scout and their Scoutmaster will receive an email with an online blue card informing them of all the completed requirements. If the Scout completes all the merit badge requirements to the satisfaction of the merit badge counselor the blue card will also include their digital signature.
There is NO REFUNDS for online merit badge classes