February 22, 2021                   


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Summer Camps 2021




As many of you may or may not know the CIEC has been successfully and safely running Scouting activities at Camp Emerson for the past four weekends!


We will also be running programs at camp the upcoming next four weekends.


With enhanced safety protocols and guidance from the State and County Health Departments the CIEC will be running Summer Camps at Camp Emerson this summer!


The CIEC is dedicated to making sure 2021 Summer Camp at Camp Emerson will be happening and will be safe!



For additional information please contact:

California Inland Empire Council

 at 909-793-2463

email: CampEmerson@scouting.org


University of Scouting




University of Scouting Registration


Registration closes Wednesday

  February 24th at midnight


Download the 2021 University of Scouting Course Schedule






To keep up on all the latest information check out our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/UniversityofScoutingCIEC


CIEC Summer Camps Scholarships form










Scout Shabbat






CIEC Shoot Out




2021 NYLT


NYLT  National Youth Leadership Training

Three session to choose from, register below

NYLT #1 July 19th to 24th

NYLT #2 July 26th to 31st

NYLT #3 December 28th to January 2nd


NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training) is advanced leadership training for youth troop, teams, ships, and crew leaders. National Youth Leadership Training is an exciting, action packed program designed to provide young men and women members of the Boy Scouts of America with leadership skills and an experience they can use in their home troops, teams, ships, or crews.   NYLT teaches lifelong leadership skills. The NYLT course centers around the concepts of what a leader must BE, what a leader must KNOW and what a leader must DO. NYLT provides youth leaders with the HOW-TO skills they need to be strong youth and strong youth leaders

Registration fee $350.00 (Due no later than the participant orientation date)


  • Be 13 years of age

  • Be a First-Class Scout or Venture Scout

  • Have his/her Unit Leader recommendation

  • Complete ILST - Introduction to Leadership Skills (Troops, Teams). Previously known as Cedar Badge or

  • Complete ILSC - Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews (Venturing).

During the course scouts will learn how to use the following leadership skills:

  • Vision – Goals -Planning

  • SMART Goals

  • Problem Solving

  • SSC-Start Stop Continue

  • Stages of Team Development

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Making Ethical Decisions

  • Communication

  • Valuing People

  • Teaching Edge

NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training) is advance leadership training for youth troop, team and crew leaders. NYLT is leadership training for young men and young women. National Youth Leadership Training is an exciting, action packed program designed to provide youth members of the Boy Scouts of America with leadership skills and experience they can use in their home troops, teams or crews. NYLT teaches life long leadership skills.

NYLT uses the patrol method to teach team leadership. The NYLT course centers around the concepts of what a leader must BE, what a leader must KNOW and what a leader must DO. NYLT provides youth leaders with the HOW TO skills they need to be strong youth and strong youth leaders.  


2021 Fox Fire



2021 Wood Badge



Register for 2021 Spring Wood Badge                                                Register for 2021 Fall Wood Badge






Friends of Scouting


Cartoon Corner



Thoughts from the Council:






The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to c/o Monday Memo: Brian Paquette


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045