About Us:
Welcome to the BSA Alumni Chapter of the California Inland Empire Council (CIEC). The CIEC is located in the California counties of Riverside and San Bernardino.
We are glad you are interested in this group. We are here to create a strong camaraderie among people who have directly and indirectly benefitted from the Boy Scouts of America organization.
As an association, we seek to facilitate the sharing of memories of Scouting within professions including amongst others, those with career interests in the Medical, Legal, Outdoor Management, Police, Fire, EMS, Military, Education, Business, and IT fields. We also work to help connect alumni and friends who have been in our program through Summer Camp Associations, Wood Badge, and other district and council programs.
Thank you!
Alan Kay, Ed.D.
Chair, CIEC BSA Alumni
Get Connected:
You can join our online Alumni Group by emailing ciecalumni@gmail.com with “Add to Group” in the Subject Line.
To learn more about the national organization, you can visit:
Association and Affiliate Groups
The link below will allow you to connect to a national group in which you may have a specific interest or background:
BSA Alumni Award (for active Scouters)
There is a Scouter recognition knot that many Scouters may earn that many might not be aware of but has been around for a number of years. The award knot is called the Alumni Award. This award has not been promoted in our council, up until now. This recognition is to encourage Scouters to reach out to Scouting alumni to get them re-connected with Scouting at the local, regional, and national levels. The award recognizes registered Scouters who help unregistered alumni rejoin the program. This task breaks down into six categories of requirements:
- Memories
- Marketing
- Mentoring
- Membership
- Manpower
- Money
How to get the award:
- Applicants must be currently registered adult Scouters of
- the Boy Scouts of America.
- Download the application at:
- https://scoutingalumni.wpenginepowered.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Alumni-Award-Requirements-6.1.21-Fillable.pdf
- All applicants must receive the approval of their local
- council’s alumni committee chair and Scout executive.
- Once signed, applications will be sent via email/mail to
- the National Office by the local Council office.
- Those approved will be sent a certificate that can be used
- to purchase a square knot and/or lapel pin from the Scout Shop.
- The application can be uploaded from this website:
Contact Us
If you have any questions, please contact Alan Kay (CIEC Alumni Chair) at one of the following emails alankay127@gmail.com or ciecbsa@gmail.com. You could be one of the few people in our council to earn this very special recognition.